The worst documentation of a linux distro I have ever encountered, but the declarative model has convinced me I don’t want something else. Now I’m just waiting for other distros to pop up that are declarative as well. (Guix? No thanks, I’m not a fan of endless parentheses)
Thanks for the thoughtful response, but I disagree with a lot of things you said. I could quote everything I disagree with and write a paragraph, however it would be a meaningless endeavor as a moderator looking at the post would probably decide against adding distrochooser to the sidebar - regardless of my opinions.
Just FYI, There’s a button called “print screen” or “PrntScr” or something similar on most keyboards. If you hit that, it’ll take a screenshot that you can edit and upload :)
After that, I gave up on WiFi on Raspberries and used LAN, but they are so underpowered… my nextcloud instance took ages to do anything, XBMC (now Kodi) was slow and couldn’t render videos > 720p (it was struggling with 720p honestly), even a simple audio proxy over bluetooth (forward bluetooth audio from phone to speaker) barely functioned as the bluetooth cut out or it was janky as hell.
It’s easier to put a old phone as a server than a raspberrypi.