Also known as being a good listener. Ideally it goes back and forth, too. But there’s a time and a place for everyone to take on the listener/encourager role.
Yeah I didn’t really understand hangovers until I slowed my drinking down to reasonable levels, and then to barely at all. Now it’s not so much a hangover, but I notice I’m not really 100% percent for a couple of days after some drinks.
Everyone’s different. My ~70 yo father-in-law can knock back IPAs all night and go for a bike ride, bright eyed and bushy tailed, the next morning. Meanwhile I’ll have 2-3 light drinks and be grumpy and unmotivated the next day.
I like that idea, and it actually did work for our Marketing guy (Salesforce has a kind of SQL). Near the end there, I just had to debug a few of his harder errors, or double check a script that was going to be running on production.
Never thought of it for Postres or Mysql, etc, but I suppose there’s got to be an easy enough way to get someone access
Man I don’t regret leaving this behind at my last job. You start out by doing someone a one-off like “sure I can pull the top 5 promotional GICs broken down by region for your blog article - I love supporting my co-workers!”
Then requests become increasingly esoteric and arcane, and insistent.
You try to build a simple FE to expose the data for them, but you can’t get the time approved so you either have to do it with OT or good ol’ time theft, and even then there’s no replacement for just writing SQL, so you’ll always be their silver bullet.
My partner literally had to send her mother our budget and attached bank statements to illustrate how we could struggle to pay the bills even with 3 jobs between the 2 of us.
I will say she finally got it - that you can work hard and scrimp and save, and still come up short.
I get what you’re saying, but I personally don’t find it tiring. It’s just a part of contextualizing history. I think of it as a reminder of the progress we’ve made (I hope) - that we can put an asterisk beside someone’s name in the history books.
Kind of like how it’s impossible to talk about the history of hypothermia research without acknowledging its grossly unethical source.
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"Last Word" by J.L Westover (
Source: Tapas(Secret Panel) - RSS
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Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for November 22, 2023
coming home on friday when I have 0 responsibilities all weekend (
A VHS still of a white mustachioed person dressed as a vampire. Top text: “coming up” bottom text: “goblin time”
Me when I hear someone is on lemmy (
Red poster of Karl Marx pointing at viewer with large text “are you a COMMUNIST? Then get organized”