In the feed, or rather the API endpoint that populates the feed, it is up to the client to combine duplicate; there’s no cross post data attached to the post objects until you click into a post.
Latency is low enough to not be noticeable when playing video on my laptop and streaming audio to the desktop.
That’s basically my use case. Want to use my HTPC as the source and some RasPi’s or repurposed thin clients as the sinks - pretty much what I do now with MPD and Snapcast. I absolutely do not want to have to mess with audio offset settings in Emby to keep the dialog in sync. lol
I’ve only skimmed the docs (holidays are a huge time sink haha), but do you know if it can do one-to-many or just one-to-one? Like, can I have one source and multiple receivers? The docs seemed to imply it could do one-to-many, but I didn’t get to dive into them deep enough.
Pretty much every movie based on a Crichton novel except the first Jurassic Park and the original 1971 adaptation of The Andromeda Strain. Every other one has been awful (including The Lost World which is so far from the book it shouldn’t even get to be called “based on”).
Edit: After sleeping on it, I don’t know if the movie adaptations are objectively awful or if I was just unimpressed because I read the novel first for all of them.
The novel was great. The movie…eh, not so much (IMO, anyway). Not even the combined powers of Dustin Hoffman, Samuel L Jackson, and Queen Latifah could really make it work for me. There’s just too much subtlety in the book that didn’t make it to the screen.