Latency is low enough to not be noticeable when playing video on my laptop and streaming audio to the desktop.
That’s basically my use case. Want to use my HTPC as the source and some RasPi’s or repurposed thin clients as the sinks - pretty much what I do now with MPD and Snapcast. I absolutely do not want to have to mess with audio offset settings in Emby to keep the dialog in sync. lol
I’ve only skimmed the docs (holidays are a huge time sink haha), but do you know if it can do one-to-many or just one-to-one? Like, can I have one source and multiple receivers? The docs seemed to imply it could do one-to-many, but I didn’t get to dive into them deep enough.
Then join an instance where scores are disabled if you don’t like them. :shurg: Choosing an instance where downvotes are disabled is already a preference, so making the score aggregates optional is completely in line with that.
You’re already on .ml, so they’d have them disabled given it’s run by the devs who have removed the data from the API, so nothing would change for you.
The whole shtick of Lemmy is run your instance the way you want to run it. The removal of the scores from the API seems heavy-handed and feels like the devs are forcing their preferences/values on others.
The novel was great. The movie…eh, not so much (IMO, anyway). Not even the combined powers of Dustin Hoffman, Samuel L Jackson, and Queen Latifah could really make it work for me. There’s just too much subtlety in the book that didn’t make it to the screen.