Idk how well Debian stable would work, but Debian Sid might be a bit easier to work with in terms of games with it being more on the bleeding edge.
There's also Linux Mint Debian if you want to stay in the Debian universe, but you'd get more of the ease of use of Mint.
Me personally, I'm using Fedora for gaming and I haven't really had many issues with it. If you're feeling adventurous, you could try Fedora or Nobara, which is a more gaming focused spinoff of Fedora
Blender: If you're interested in 3D modeling or Animation
Inkscape: If you have any need for a vector graphics program thats a bit like Adobe Illustrator
OBS: If you need to do any screen recording or livestreaming
Haruna Video Player: It plays videos and can also play youtube videos if you paste in a link. (This also pulls in yt-dlp as a dependency, which allows you to download youtube videos and the like from a terminal)
btop: A nice looking system resource monitor that runs in a terminal
if you can find Miso Paste, or even instant Miso anywhere, that's usually one of my go to's. I'd stick to white miso cuz its more bland than awase or red miso. Just put like a tablespoon in a mug and put hot (not boiling) water over it and stir. It's yummy and got salt which might help you absorb water better and save off dehydration. Depending on where you live, you might find miso paste in the refrigerated section of the supermarket
Pair that with a hard boiled egg for a bit of protien and thats usually what I do.