I have a friend who always downloads the smallest (by file size) copy of any video he can find. He has a 75" 4k TV, 5.1 surround speakers, the whole setup but he downloads 720p in stereo almost exclusively. He says he just doesn’t care about the video or audio quality. It blows my mind, but some people are just weird.
Edit: Also, Paul is just a funny movie, if you’re into goofy movie references.
When I was in middle school, my brother brought me a set of 3 workbooks about Boolean algebra from the high school library. I can’t remember the title or much of anything else about them, but I went through them and did all the exercises, working until I completely understood every lesson. That basic foundation set me up to easily understand programming, SQL queries, and so many other computer-related things. It kinda defined my entire career. That was in 1978 or so, so it’s been awhile! I retired last year, a bit early, after a fairly successful career as a developer and DBA.
I use flauncher. It’s ugly and doesn’t have a lot of features but I don’t care. I only have two apps installed, so I’m rarely looking at or using the launcher anyway.
I’ve been using a Tex yoda ii for years and I love it. If you want to avoid leaving “home row” nothing beats a 60% keyboard with a trackpoint! I just bought a Tex Shura but haven’t tried it out yet.