It’s equally unrealistic to give up all of your privacy in the name of security. Not everything can be a compromise, the opponent will fight with everything they have to take your right to privacy, if you want any privacy at all you need to fight every attempt.
When you give up your privacy in the name of security you end up with neither.
I organize my tabs by topic window (small project, chunk of work for a larger project, related idea) then kick them into onetab as a bundle with a short description when I’m done with whatever it is I needed them for.
I typically have 5-30 tabs open in topic windows at any time but I can open onetab and ctrl-f to find anything I’ve saved over the last 7 or 8 years. There must be 5000 tabs in there at this point.
Google Image search: Can I interest you in some results from Pinterest? No? How about all of the results from Pinterest?
Edit: actually helpful comment: I usually use tin eye, it does a pretty good job of digging up original sources for images. Apparently Bing image search is really good for porn, so I’m told anyway.