I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
I think the subtle difference between Hollywood and Japanese cinema is that Hollywood is literally applying the Avengers formula but on monsters. And that really ruined it for me.
Not sure if this counts as unpopular. But man Hollywood really butchered Godzilla and many other iconic movie monsters. Why the hell is Godzilla some kind of anti-hero and don’t get me started on the cast.
What is your unpopular flim opinion
I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds