I’m not in the US, I don’t know how FAA operates. In my socially ridiculous country it’s called ENAC and the difficulty is similar to that of a car license in terms of the level of knowledge required, and it’s an infinite bureaucratic stress like any non-mainstream license, only those who do it for work do it.
You can buy a DIY opensource 3D printer that can print on paper by putting a pen where the extruder is and use some open source software to convert text in GCODE.
from me all the FPV pilots I know don’t have the license, because it’s very difficult to do because they are almost all the same things that a real airplane pilot needs to know,
Also I have seen FPV 6S drones at maximum speed even in densely populated areas always exceeding the legal limit of 120m if they had a license
if you want DRM-free, bandcamp is the best way, but for “exploring” subscribing to spotify is the best way in terms of quantity, and it doesn’t pay much less than other DRMs even if it has a monopoly, and is not from the USA or China
otherwise if you don’t want to pay, youtube + soundcloud with adblock is the best solution. or if you really have a lot of time you can make your own self-hosted pod on funkwhale: docs.funkwhale.audio/administrator/index.html
I have to find the time to do it, I had seen jellyfin as a solution, but I also have to find something that acts as a server, my raspberry pi 3B+ is not powerful enough for 1080p+ streaming
Tell me what type of society you are imagining please, in the real world it is already difficult for the average entrepreneur not to evade VAT on at least 30% of his purchases, because if we don’t talk about Nordic countries or Switzerland then I don’t see it feasible how people can accept even more interventions from the government in their lives.
I regret convincing my parents to subscribe to Netflix instead of using Torrent or Emule. Fuck these fucking companies that now cost more than bluerays and broadcast content with crappy quality if you don’t have a platform that knows how much you’re shitting yourself