For me it’s the canned cranberries. Everyone always wants the fresh stuff. Fuck that. Gimme that highly processed flavored corn syrup in a log, please.
Where did you get that value of pi. Pi is 3.14159265358979323846264323338950338327950. That’s 32 digits (to the first zero) and there’s definitely every number in it.
You’re correct. To be fair I posted without coffee from memory so I was bound to get a few wrong. My point still stands. All numbers are in pi in the first 32 digits.
It just isn't complete without it (
Blind date? (
easy as π (
Returning to the Thanksgiving feast after your "walk" (
Picard is a fancy lad. (
From Cabin Boy (1994) featuring Ann Magnuson aka Admiral Clancy.
Seriously, watch this scene from First Contact and listen to Worf. (
This is definitely me (