Frugal Usenet is on the same backbone as Usenet.Farm
the unlimited frugal servers are newshosting / omicron backbone. frugals bonus server is what is usenetfarm so both backbones together when you subscribe. shouldnt be any real need for a usenetexpress block account since you would have the usenetfarm backup already but i guess if you find a great sale you could throw it into your newsreader.
i think the only real spot for a curated list of bf deals will be the usenet subreddit. otherwise the shitty affiliate sites wont really show you all the actual deals, just their pay per sign up links.
i dont think any service is going to give you free weeks or a month with no strings attached. if they did everybody would use them and not pay. you can just buy 1 unlimited month of frugal usenet for 5 bucks (not a subscription) and call it good.
blocknews, frugal usenet and usenetnow take cash in the mail, an option at checkout. maybe others will but they dont make it obvious so you would have to contact them directly. but honestly i wouldnt worry aboutr using your card. paying for usenet access is just as legal as paying for isp access.
true, but if you are paying in cash with presumably a burner email of some sort, what is there to worry about getting out? also, historically, europe (and organizations located there) has been the bigger pricks when it comes to usenet servers and in some cases, users.
there are plenty of newshosting resellers that use the same exact servers that are much cheaper than $15 a month or even $10 a month. use one of the backbone maps to see all of the various ones.
but they are literally the same servers operated the exact same way. a take down happens on newshosting will be reflected at the same exact time on all resellers, astraweb included. astraweb moved over to nh / omicron a few years back where prior they were their own system and i remember when the dmca thing was a big thing for them but that was like a decade+ ago. newshosting or any reseller are all connecting to the same servers, look at the IPs and how close they are, follow the traces to the same location.
Where to find Usenet black Friday deals?
Anyone have good places to watch for deals?
So, i want to give a try to usenet world....
Looking for good USENET primer
I used to spend a lot of time on news:// protocol back in the 90s, but haven’t touched it for good 20 years or so....