But if all you’re going to use the video for is social media then you’ll have to crop the video and get weird ratio with worse quality. so if it’s for Instagram stories why not just take the video or photo vertical so you know it’ll work.
Reminds me of some nature movie where there was an albino antelope and it was shunned from the pack because it was different and then some snake ate it
Yeah for that reason I just have my YouTube subscription download and go to my plex server so I don’t have to deal with ads or algorithms and we have a discord channel where we share interesting videos so I find a lot of my content that way. For reddit I just stopped going there after the exodus except when doing searches and I can’t find what I’m looking for I’ll add reddit to the search query to see the comments and hope there’s an answer there
That was the first place I noticed it, thought it was really smart of them, someone would send me a meme or whatever and it would show their account at the top. Was impressed that they generate so many links, now they can see who knows who so easily