Data regarding the subsistence base of early hominins are heavily biased in favor of the animal component of their diets, in particular the remains of large mammals, which are generally much better preserved at archaeological sites than the bones of smaller animals, let alone the remains of plant food. Exploitation of smaller...
The Matrix is an often used example, but for me it’s the Alien Prequels - especially Alien: Covenant really makes the Original Alien much worse. When the original was released in 1979 it had the perfect Monster. A dangerous killing machine of unknown origin. The missing background of the alien is a big part of its scary mess....
You can choose normal, fancy, or wildcard. (
the myth of type safety (
Madness (
🤌🤌🤌 (
Will Linux on Itanium be saved? Absolutely not (
Title (
Reposting this meme because is too radical for 196 apparently
What the actual fuck?! (
Some random website knows which school i go to, this is the second time i have received this message
Don't worry about it. (
6 LibreOffice Alternatives for Linux (
trying to share the lane with vehicles in the USA is very dangerous
Beaver exploitation, 400,000 years ago, testifies to prey choice diversity of Middle Pleistocene hominins (
Data regarding the subsistence base of early hominins are heavily biased in favor of the animal component of their diets, in particular the remains of large mammals, which are generally much better preserved at archaeological sites than the bones of smaller animals, let alone the remains of plant food. Exploitation of smaller...
Which sequels/prequels/spinoffs made the originals somehow worse?
The Matrix is an often used example, but for me it’s the Alien Prequels - especially Alien: Covenant really makes the Original Alien much worse. When the original was released in 1979 it had the perfect Monster. A dangerous killing machine of unknown origin. The missing background of the alien is a big part of its scary mess....
Founder of Tiblur is gathering prayers to destroy Elon's Starlink constellation (
Omtzigt doet mee aan verkiezingen met eigen partij: Nieuw Sociaal Contract (
Koning biedt excuses aan voor slavernijverleden en vraagt om vergiffenis ( Dutch
Eindelijk! \o/ Nu nog van Keti Koti en Bevrijdingsdag nationale feestdagen maken.