Really trying to understand what “meh” means in terms of office software.
They all are kinda meh. I dont get overly excited with office stuff do you?
Over the years I have used both Libre and ms office. Some use cases were so much better with Libre. Now days it’s kind of a wash really. You write words or you calculate cells. If you are calculating any large amount of cells do your self a favor and get it into a database.
And if it’s a presentation, reveal.js is miles better than PowerPoint.
I think you mean different. I find the bouncing very normal after all these years. The spinning wheel and hourglass is there but they are used to indicate system waits, rather than launches.
Of course you can shut the bouncing launch off if you dont like it.
I want to support pharonix but damn, chill out ob the ads. Especially the video overlays on mobile. It is unusable without an ad blocker, while at the same time saying they are ad supported.
Thats not Gnome. You need to remove the glasses. Hair is not an option. Two eyes, mouth, nose. That’s all you get. And you are not allowed to focus on all three, only one at a time can be shown.