I get it but… The fact that a team changes town is such an insane concept to me. I don’t know the SeaWolves, but they are probably called Seattle SeaWolves, right? So they carry the name of the city.
Where I’m from (Germany) that team would be dead instantly in the eyes of the fans. If f. ex. Victoria Berlin renamed itself to FC Berlin, the fans would find it weird but probably go along. 7f the moved to Magdeburg and are now Victoria Berlin but not in Berlin they would lose their fans. And wouldn’t gain Magdeburger Fans.
If you’re interested I would recommend you to check out the recent rise of FC Union Berlin. They’ve risen to the first division about 5 years ago and still play in a pretty old and basic stadium. They display of the current goals is still done by changing boards with numbers on them through a window.
And they managed to play in the champions League despite having an old stadium. Sadly they played their European games in the bigger Olympia stadium. I wish they would have hosted Real Madrid in the old forestry (name of the stadium “die Alte Försterei”).
This leads to another problem. Everyone will make policy to suck up to industry in order to secure a job after their term limits.
It’s already a problem of politicians swapping in and out of politics and into industry. Today they “represent the people against car manufacturers”, tomorrow they are a car industry lobbyist.