not in the terminal but I also have a lot of scripts used in rofi to control my audio input/outputs, launch a web search, access my bookmarks, autocomplete username and password fields
I’m sure I’m missing some obvious tools I use daily. It’s hard remember everything when it becomes so natural.
I have shared my experience with some of these tools here.
Always nice to read so great posts. Welcome to a brand new world of possibilities. I promise your journey will be long but full of self accomplishments, learnings, satisfaction. You will probably run into one or two times when you’ll have to search for a solution but in these situations the Linux community will always be there for you and you’ll feel so proud to have learn something along the way.
You realize how much Linux is different to other OS only when you live with it. There’s a real philosophy, it’s not just some branding wording. If you feel adventurous enough you’ll certainly see your mindset and way of thinking evolving as time goes. You have so much possibilities to discover, I’m jealous of this sentiment of new user you’ll experience. I’ve personaly used to tweak Windows back in the days and its limitations (amongst other things) is one of the main reasons why I switched to Linux. Twenty years later I’m wondering how I didn’t know earlier that another world existed.
Beyond the fact that Linux has improved my workflow drastically compared to my Windows/MacOS colleagues, it also helped me grow intellectually. The best part is that it never ends because there’s always a new tool, app, distro to experiment, play with, and learn from.
Working with a system and not adapting to it or fighting against it is a huge difference. Linux has so many options that you can litterally build the system that fits your specific needs and liking to perfection (and even better than you can think now). It’s just a matter of few efforts. We’re not used to make efforts nowadays and prefer opting for the laziness of being the slaves of a system/brand but I can guarantee you will be rewarded for these efforts beyond your expectations.
Drivers is a vocabulary you should almost forgot in Linux ;) Contrary to other OS, Linux will rarely require you to install a driver.
To answer your question, doing a simple online “mint wireless 8275” returned a forum with your exact issue. The reported solution is to “try powering it off, remove the power cord and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Reconnect cord and power up”. As weird as it sounds this may work. It worked for me 10 years ago with a keyboard. It’s easy and quick to try it. Let us know if that helps or not. Too bad you didn’t like Arch because your laptop was fully supported.
There’s a hype around floorp right now. Certainly because it’s new and it offers a high level of aesthetic customization.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me because:
it takes up too much RAM compared to others. Even though people don’t really care about that on modern machine it goes against my philosophy.
I’ve been tweaking Firefox for a long time to get the highest privacy possible but it was extremely painful and I don’t want to redo that with floorp.
my system look is extremely minimalist and I remove any visual effects in apps I use which would go against the point of floorp.
These are some reasons why I went with librewolf since it was released in 2020. It’s efficient, well maintained, kept up to date with the latest Firefox version, and most importantly to me: deeply respectful of your privacy. Their privacy approach is very well explained in the FAQ It passed all the EFF tests better than any browser I’ve tested after hours of tweaks.
This is only my personal experience and preference. Per the Floorp developer himself privacy is not given the utmost care and users should prefer librewolf in that regard. If you want to use normal privacy and excellent Firefox derivatives, with no doubts, floorp will fit your needs.
As always there’s no such thing as a global “best” application. Building your system is a very personal thing. It all depends on your needs and liking.
My personal journey in the tiling WM world has started 20 years ago with awesomewm. Then I moved to i3 because it feels lighter to me while offering a configuration approach I preferred. After some times, I felt ready to “really” build my tiling WM and I moved to dwm.
I couldn’t be happier until I came across bspwm which is as suckless as dwm but EWMH compliant. I also love the nice approach of keybindings offered by sxhkd. What I appreciate the most is the no limit configuration power since you can integrate the very powerful program that writes messages on bspwm 's socket (bspc) in any scripts you can imagine. This let you create some crazy and very personal rules. For example, I designed one where bspwm is listening to my video player state and if not fullscreen it automatically resizes it to a given size and moves it to a specific position. I have another one that will apply borders only to 2 specific windows applications and use a different color for each one.
This is a very brief overview of what I’ve experimented. Your expectations and the time you want to deserve to your configuration may guide you on another path. Archwiki has a comparison of tiling WM may be a good starting point to help you in your decision.
That’s what I keep reading and why I would like to give it a try. For now I’m still confused how this is easier/more efficient than sharing your list of packages, restoring a backup, or using downgrade in Arch. I’m really interested because I like to try new stuff, especially if they bring something of interest.
I really have hard time to see the difference for now after my first setup in a VM but also because imaging my full Arch system on a new machine 2 years ago only took me an hour and less than 10 command lines.
Again, I’m genuinely trying to understand what I’m missing. From my reading NixOS seems to be the only distro I could switch to.
Very nice to read this feedback. I’m very sold to Framework after all the great things posted here. An impeccable customer support like the one you describe means a lot about a company.
Or maybe I’m already too old for so much tech. But thanks for letting me think that I’m still a young boy ^^ Not helping with my question but pretty self satisfactory.
Any headphones should work (if your hardware supports it if using bluetooth). I’ve connected at least 4 different brands from no name to Aftershokz with no issues. Even tried airpods for a friend.
Hi. I’ve briefly shared my experience with neo(vim) and emacs here. Going into all the details would require writing an encyclopedia because they’re both so vast topics. I think the main factor of choice would be to know if you prefer to build your own perfect tool with just what you need and expand as you go (i.e. neovim) or just have a do-it-all ready tool right out of the box (i.e. emacs). Both will require some coding and maintenance anyway. In that regards, I personaly found neovim to be easier and more reliable but mileage may vary based on your needs and preferences. After years using vim 20 years ago, I made a break. Then I used emacs for a year before eventually going back to neovim. I would certainly recommend it vs vim and I would suggest starting from scratch (no lazyvim or similar) so you clearly understand how things work. This will certainly be useful in the long run anyway and that’ll eventually save you time. Note that I’ve also tried welcome screens (startup) but really couldn’t justify its use so I removed it after few months.
Do you have any experience with neovim? I’m certainly not a Python programmer but I’m doing simple things for fun and so far neovim served me very well. If I eventually go deeper in Python I would be interested to know the limitations of neovim beforehand.