If you ever try starting a coop you’ll find out how hard it is to get investment in practice. It’s kind of hilarious that you think nobody thought of these obvious things to try before you.
The reality clearly demonstrates that investors don’t bother investing in coops. You’ve obviously never actually tried to get investors to invest in a coop.
I work remotely, so I’m not affected by this personally, but I recognize that other people just aren’t lucky enough to be able to choose a job that’s close and convenient. Some people simply don’t have a choice in the matter and they take the job they can get.
The problem there is getting the initial seed funding. Investors put money into companies because they want to have control over the company, and they can’t do that with a cooperative. There is a systemic bias towards capitalist company structure because of that.
Nothing is actually happening, and I don’t know what you think I’m wrong about. You’re just making up excuses for why nobody has been prosecuted so far. And if you think a bunch of democrats aren’t on that list then you’re as gullible as they get. All your oligarchs are the same and your country is an utter lawless shithole where the rich do whatever they want.