The whole point of a proxy war is that you use somebody else to do the fighting for you. Meanwhile, Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when a democratically elected government was overthrown in a western backed coup. Painting this as Ukraine freely choosing to associate with NATO is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
Meanwhile, bleating about justifications is just a distraction from the reality of why the war happened. Pretty hilarious of you to run around calling others deluded while spewing utter nonsense. One thing that’s abundantly clear here is that you don’t care one bit about the actual facts. You’re an ideologue regurgitating propaganda you’ve memorized.
There is plenty of collaborating evidence to her claims and what you think she had to gain from chuds like you making her life hell as result I have no idea. You’ve exposed yourself as an utter piece of human garbage here.
The idea that these things wouldn’t exist without commercial analogs is silly. You do realize that things like BBS boards and IRC existed long before commercial social media platforms right? In fact, we might’ve seen things like social media evolve in completely different directions if not for commercial platforms setting standards based on attracting clicks, and monetizing users.
Adult mortality increased enormously in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union when the Soviet system collapsed 30 years ago.
This study shows that unprecedented mortality crisis struck Eastern Europe during the 1990s, causing around 7 million excess deaths. The first quantitative analysis of the association between deindustrialization and mortality in Eastern Europe.
I find working out to be an intensely boring experience. I ended up doing martial arts to stay fit because the work out ends up being incidental and the activity itself is engaging. I recommend trying something like judo or boxing depending on whether you would be more comfortable with grappling or striking.
Sure, in terms of underlying functionality WASM or even plain Js can do everything Flash did. What I’m talking about is lack of tooling and accessibility for non technical people to create content. Macromedia Flash was a really easy to use tool that anybody could quickly get started with and make something. You didn’t have to have any programming knowledge at all. Maybe we’ll see newbie friendly tools built on top of WASM someday, but currently there’s really not much happening in this space.
Pretending this just didn’t happen is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
Euromaidan was not a coup.
Yes, it was and there’s overwhelming evidence for it.
Cite sources for the first point and military strategy analysts for the second.
Are you just incapable of using google, I guess that would explain why you believe in nonsense. Here you go. First of all Russian economy is now rapidly growing while the west is going into a recession. This is not a country that’s showing any signs of being exhausted: