What is Swarm Merging?
Every now and then, when I’m connected to a torrent a peer will connect that has a reference to “Swarm Merging” in their name. What is swarm merging?
Every now and then, when I’m connected to a torrent a peer will connect that has a reference to “Swarm Merging” in their name. What is swarm merging?
merlin, to RedditMigration Just wanted to say that I love how people are using the upvote and downvote feature here as they don't seem to be used as agreement/disagreement but rather valuable or hindering to the conversation.
I really feel like I can express any opinion on here and start controversial discussions as long as I'm not malicious to anyone.
Disagreements are mostly stated in replies which promotes conversation and growth. There is currently no reason to be scared about being wrong.
I hope that this is not just a product of the smaller userbase compared to reddit but rather how upvotes/downvotes/boosts are laid out to the user.
the t stands for toilet… of course
but teaches you, always hold it till your home.
Saw this in a parking lot today. I feel bad for the bee but that’s pretty mildly interesting.
Tijdens de opstand op 24 juni was een deel van de Wagner troepen op weg naar een nucleaire basis. Het plan was om wat kernwapens te bemachtigen, om zo Putin extra onder druk te zetten. Mijn conclusie, Wagner = Spectre.
I am currently using Linux Mint (after a long stint of using MX Linux) after learning it handles Nvidia graphics cards flawlessly, which I am grateful for. Whatever grief I have given Ubuntu in the past, I take it back because when they make something work, it is solid....