I’ve never been a big user, but as I’ve grown older, pot has made me pass out more than once. I took a drag off of a joint at a festival a few years ago and passed out and couldn’t be revived for 5-10 minutes. They said my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I’m wondering if this happens to anybody else
I’ve suffered with anxiety since I was a kid, and things like CBT don’t seem to work for me at all. I know pills from the doctor are available, but I only want to go down that route as a last resort....
I’ll start off by saying that he has a bad past life. He was obviously abused by his previous owners and straight up abandoned in the woods. He has bad anxiety that he is on Prozac for, and it seems to be helping for the most part....
Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP....
Let me start by saying I’m a “floor guy” at a small town hardware store. I am in training to be a manager but not one yet. I do a bunch of stuff around the store. Which leaves me busy a lot of the time....
I absolutely love flying dreams, not for the actual flying, but because I always use my skill to get out of bad/unwanted situations. I’ll be in a foot chase and I’ll just zing off into the sky. I’m also the only one who can fly, so I show off a lot.
My wife and I love scented candles but the cheap ones burn like shit and tunnel really bad, where the expensive ones are…expensive. we use scented waxes sometimes but we like having the flame....
Personally when i’m looking for a community I sort it by top month instead of new because since i’m looking for an active community, it’l sort based on rankings of the posts in the community. (I assume based on the guide)...
Hi, some years ago (2019) I purchased landscaping program ‘Punch! Deck & Landscape’ from punchsoftware.com. I wanted to install it on new computer but on-line registration of license key failed....
For mental health reasons, I had taken myself out of most political topics. But lately there seems to be a surge of talk about Palestine and Hamas (forgive me if I spelled this wrong). I do know it’s something to do with land rights, but it also seems to be so much more at the same time. I’m not trying to start any fights. I...
I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn’t really exist anymore, so now I’m pretty out of touch....
I got pics of my foot during surgery and pics of it a week after the operation. I’d love to share it with people and discuss how neat the human body is. I don’t want to subject people to it who aren’t interested in it, though.