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The Simpsons. Let it die, Fox/Disney....
I’ve found that when I’m logged into Youtube, the algorithm works fairly well to suggest videos that are at least somewhat related to my interests. I’m specifically curious about how the “default” algorithm works when not logged in....
I used to do the imgur gift exchange, but have slowly strayed away from that site. Not only that, I didn’t receive my gift from last year, so I was a bit disappointed. Does anyone know of a credible Fediverse option?
Ok this one might be silly but…where can I buy a real raised relief map these days? It’s for a gift…Is there a trustworthy seller making them? I mean, with real physical elevations of mountains etc, not just shading to give it a “look-like”. I’m interested maybe in European regions or the whole world, not US-centric....
So a few years ago I got a set of stickers from Jet.com that had funny sayings on them. For example: “Open quickly (might be a puppy)” and “Shake thoroughly. (But seriously, don’t shake)”. I couldn’t find any online, so I figured maybe I’ll make my own. What are good things I could put on them?
As I watch The Internet look like it’s starting to adopt a new phase (let’s call it federation writ large), I’m watching for signs of both success and struggle. I have some strong opinions of features and functionality lacking in the current suite of UIs that might help adoption, but thing I’ve been thinking about more...
Everyone knows the tale of Brand X getting bought out by some faceless global conglomerate and going to shit, but does the opposite ever happen?
I work as a contractor, been working here for 9 years, had the same contract company all that time… Except until recently when the contract came up for bid and the old company was outbid by another. Lucky for me, they’re keeping all the same people, positions, and whatnot. I like my job, I look forward to the change, I just...
Not the ideal community (better for open ended questions), but I’ve been looking for a Droopy cartoon that I vaguely remember from ages ago....
I’m a Canadian visiting in America, the question came up and the answers were fascinating and not at all what I expected....
What do you use to find images online these days? Google image search is useless, and I don’t think the other major ones are much better…...
I want to find a good German course. I know there’s Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, etc., but I find they don’t work for me....
Sources as in sites, blogs, people, columns, etc....
Is there a Lemmy stats site?...
Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?
This question is not restricted to online communities like lemmy, the scope also encompasses communities like small villages, interest groups (i.e. for hobbies) and political parties.
Xan any one suggest best sites for moded applications?
Here in Italy, often schools, the educative relationship betwenn teachers and students is kept through google classroom. Once I’ve worked in a school that had both solutions: Moodle (the usability is very very scarce) and Google classroom. During the years I’ve developped an increasing grudge toward Google, because in the...
This question has been stuck on my mind since last night....
How long your pc been running for?...
As you know, web instances don’t display video. Perhaps there is information on when full video support is planned?
Words that mean the exact opposite of how they sound....
I’ve tried Cloudstream. It wasn’t as good as Aniyomi imo.