It seems society always goes down the shitter over and over following the same path. People rise to wealth and power extracted on the repression of the masses, massive disparity, ignorance exemplified, xenophobia and blaming minorities for any possible issue, laws signed with golden pens but becoming more meaningless when...
I was having a conversation with my friend about this. We were discussing AI and she believes AI will destroy all of humanity just like so many others. I personally don’t believe that. I’m aware of all the theories and the multitude of ways that it could happen and I understand that with AI, in theory we wouldn’t...
I love bridges. If I see a cool looking bridge, I want to cross it, especially if it goes somewhere that I’m not familiar with. Same with stairs outdoors. They feel like an adventure to me.
I think budgeting and practical finances should be taught at multiple stages throughout a student’s life. I thought I knew the general idea but didn’t appreciate how much neglecting it would set me back....
Just curious as I’ve never been on the other side of the counter, how does this sort of thing tend to work at restaurants? Fast food and fast-casual places are where I’ve heard customers say things “pile as much lettuce on there as you’re allowed to” - is there ever a limit your supervisor instructed you for things...
Yesterday I accidentally learned that you can reposition the closed captions on YouTube videos. I waa at the Smartboard talking about how the cursor and my finger were a couple of inches apart, and I accidentally dragged the captions of a YouTube video that we were watching.
No matter what I do, it’s like Gboard is specifically avoiding it. It’ll instantly learn any bullshit word I make up like “aprifnid” but can’t type “Lemmy”. I suspect shenanigans.
It’s going to be very cold over the next few days in my area and I’d like to buy something for the people who are homeless, particularly ones who won’t be in a shelter....
A few questions to people who have struggled long-term with fatigue, exhaustion, insomnia, etc.: what do you do to keep awake for a full-time workday? Black coffee, supplements, herbs, drugs/prescriptions, other? None, and it required a lifecycle habit change? Have you had success with “desk” jobs sitting all day, or had to...
For me it’s watching petapixel (a photography gear review channel) on youtube, not because i want photography gear, but because i think canada is beautiful especially in winters and so are the pictures in the video
Ok, Evernote committed hara-kiri, so time to move on. (no way I’ll pay for ransomware) Any tips for good alternatives for Linux/Android platform? My wife used Nimbus note a while back, recovered her account there, ColorNote pops up when looking for alternatives as well....