How do I make contributors to my project transfer copyright to me?
Is there a pull request template that does this?...
Is there a pull request template that does this?...
What if it was a trap? Why did someone make an ornament of this psychopath?
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Hi there,...
Tiling window manager users: how exactly do you use yours?...
Изобретатель пулемета Гатлинга вместе с своим творением Изобретатель пулемета Гатлинга считал, что его изобретение настолько смертоносное, что люди перестанут вести между собой...
maybe someone here is interested
I made a Za’atar, Quinoa, & Turmeric Sourdough, spread some fresh mozzarella on it, covered it with halved grape tomatoes, and popped it under thr broiler. Chef’s kiss.
I have a 2 cup pyrex but the spout on it is absolutely terrible. I’ve also heard modern pyrex kind of sucks anyway, so I’m looking for recommended brands to replace it with. Any suggestions?
I made this post because I am really curious if Linux is used in offices and educational centres like schools....
This has happened more than once.