Look, a horsey! (pixelfed.crimedad.work)
cross-posted from: pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/…/631278431517853403...

cross-posted from: pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/…/631278431517853403...
Being dropped 500 years ago into your ancestors’ community....
I wasn’t ready to deal with Thanksgiving when we had the post a week ago, but now I am....
I’ve read that there were updated documentstgat differ fundamentally from that which is bein presented by the public (Hamas wants Israel/Jews destroyed wholesale....
I use an rmm called level. The remote support function under Wayland doesn’t allow keystrokes or mouse input in Firefox....
both Linux operating systems have 1. A friendly user interface, 2. A hidden terminal, and 3. A locked down root user, to avoid dangerous actions!! Why do people seem to dislike Android when Ubuntu is similar to it??
I have come to realise that I can’t just leave Facebook and Instagram without it influencing the stuff that I really care about. Most of my hobbies, interests, friends, clubs etc are on Facebook, and leaving the platform would affect the level of involvement that I can achieve....