Nauru cuts ties with Taiwan as China accused of bribery (

Wanting to put together some backpacks filled with cold weather stuff like hats gloves and a thrifted puff jacket to hand out to the Homeless in my area, what are some other inexpensive items you would recommend I put in them?
This post is not related other previously published posts. But I want to know your opinions....
For instance, say I search for “The Dark Knight” on my Usenet indexer. It returns to me a list of uploads and where to get them via my Usenet provider. I can then download them, stitch them together, and verify that it is, indeed, The Dark Knight. All of this costs only a few dollars a month for me....
The largest dam removal in U.S. history entered a critical phase this week, with the lowering of dammed reservoirs on the Klamath River....
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Hello, I wanted to use hyprland on fedora silverblue but I couldn’t find any image. I found this image however when I rebase to that image it drops me into rescue mode after reboot. :(...
Perens says there are several pressing problems that the open source community needs to address....
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Unexpected ending