aluminium, You can connect to a vscode server on a Galaxy Watch, just sayin’
ClamDrinker, Finally. A human readable format. And pretty too.
Dkarma, Jesus I hope this is a joke. I hate json 🙄
damnfinecoffee, yeah for real, let’s see an xml one instead
gornius, Ah yes, perfect data format, where markup takes more space than the actual data.
curiousaur, Would you prefer Yaml?
somegeek, Duude this is so cool. Is there a watch like this for galaxy watch?
PMmeYourPenis, Quick search came up with this:…
BigDanishGuy, I’ve seen too many android devices with corrupt memory showing something like that to want it as a my watchface…
AnActOfCreation, (edited ) Here’s one for Wear OS / Pixel Watch.…
EDIT: And a terminal one.
some_guy, You’ve got the hour hand and the minute hand… they’re right there. What’s wrong? /s
ironcrotch, My god it’s all strings.
petersr, (edited ) Always has been
datelmd5sum, disgusting
Strawberry, not uncommon for data to be displayed on UI
jaybone, Clocky McClockface
Use datatypes
victorz, It’s perfect 🥹
extratone, Datestamp horror.
UnRelatedBurner, what does the last 4 mean under stats?
xanu, (edited ) distance: how far you’ve traveled if you put all the steps in a line (may also be gps tracked too)
azm: active zone minutes or how many minutes you’ve spent with your heart rate in the “active zone” where you burn more calories
floors: how many flights of stairs you’ve climbed
calories: estimate of how many calories you’ve burnt based on all the other stats
UnRelatedBurner, nice, thx
makuus, That’s something I think I’d like to use, but I don’t know if could get over the fact that neither the date nor the time are in ISO 8601 format.
dep, Lol I came here to say this
spader312, The date format isn’t even human readable (at least in American). It should be Sun, Jan 14th
TheGrandNagus, (edited ) Considering it uses day then month, 24hr clock, and distance in km, I’m guessing the reason why it’s not “human readable in American” is because it’s intended to be “human readable for pretty much everybody else”
The date format isn’t incorrect at all
neutron, I still think YYYY-MM-DD should be more apt for an international release.
MystikIncarnate, IMO, that format is best for all releases.
You want to talk about sorting releases, ISO 8601 works with sorting and it’s still human readable.
My homies all start their date time stamped files with ISO 8601.
spader312, I always start my files with iso8601, except on s3 it doesn’t like the colon. Gotta replace the colons lol
tgxn, They should put it as Unix epoch instead!
dejected_warp_core, I once worked in a software shop where all release packages had the Unix epoch timestamp in the filename. Yes, these sorted brilliantly making it trivial to find the last one. But good luck finding a build from a specific date/time.
datelmd5sum, just wildcard for n digits
Stoney_Logica1, Hopefully that’s not a resting heart rate.
NightAuthor, They’re just excited about posting this image online.
bane_killgrind, If this is a photo for a bug report, it might have made his week.
xenoclast, I’m sure it isn’t… but you’d be surprised how much resting hr goes up with age.
blakeus12, im confused as to why it doesn’t use variables? this is pretty interesting to see though
settoloki, In JSON the value on the left would be the variable name the value in the right of the pair is the value.
ilovededyoupiggy, Awful lot of strings that should have been integers. It is JavaScript, though, so I guess that tracks.
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