So, yesterday I was trying to install Fedora on a PC with an Nvidia graphics card, it is a bit old and it has an Intel CPU. Basically as soon as I booted the USB it went all weird like if it would be having a graphical glitch like going all rainbow in some parts and stop responding, I tried a few more times under a UEFI secure...
Ubuntu seems like it has the best compatibility, but any other suggestions for data wrangling, data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning in Julia, Python and R?
I spent two hours today trying to figure out why Nextcloud couldn’t read my data directory. Docker wasn’t mounting my data directory. Moved everything into my data directory. Docker couldn’t even see the configuration file....
I was gifted a 900 Gram bag of Milo (I assume that’s some shrinkflation crap). I love Malt and Cocoa, but this is bland and chalky. What do I do with it? So far I have tried it hot and cold on its own and mixed in coffee hot and cold. My next thought was using it in baked goods, something like an American Brownie....