AVincentInSpace, I love how it wasn’t enough to say she was helping ghosts overcome trauma from their past life. It had to be specifically trauma caused by sexism
wuphysics87, This isn’t meant as a cynical comment. How much of this is really to help her and living women heal from suffering from sexism. Isn’t a dirge as much about the living as the dead?
HowMany, Anything to stay relevant!
RIP_Cheems, the fuckin what?
TacoButtPlug, 🤣
SeabassDan, I don’t wanna say that from the looks of her she hasn’t gotten over her own trauma, so I won’t. It would be in bad taste.
drislands, I admire your restraint.
some_guy, Was this really a thing. Whacko.
Windex007, Did it work?
justcallmelarry, Well, I mean, there are no ghosts there now!
rwhitisissle, The fact that the OP has a Danny Phantom profile picture adds a little something something to this.
sooper_dooper_roofer, this title is just chefs-kiss
i still can’t believe this is real
superduperenigma, Ignoring how coo coo bananas it is that she even sang to ghosts in the first place, it seems weirdly self important to think your singing is capable of magically curing people’s trauma. Reminds me of all the celebs recording themselves somberly singing “imagine” in their mansions to cheer all of us peasants up in the early days of covid.
nxdefiant, “We’re all in this boat together!” - a celebrity on their private yacht
Deceptichum, Reading this must be what dyslexia feels like.
metallic_z3r0, Maybe Danny Phantom should be more open to the possibility of traumatized ghosts.
FunderPants, Man, people are weird.
Rhynoplaz, I believe this would be Opera of the Phantoms.
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