New Lemmy trend incoming (
4 January 2024 (
Remember me (
You just have to sit back and appreciate it every so often (
Pushovers (
Watch parasitic worms get pulled from man's abdomen after surprise discovery during routine surgery (
He'll go down in history (
Has anyone here used a controller for the PC version of Rogue Squadron? Is it worth getting a controller? (
This is one of my favorite games. I still occasionally play it on a Nintendo 64, but the N64 controller isn’t great and I can’t easily screen capture gameplay....
Hey, does this drink taste like quaaludes to you? (
2024, welcome! (
The battle for love (
Oregon Airport Unveils Unconventional Stress-Busters: Meet The Therapy Llamas Bringing Joy To Travelers (
How to use a portable SSD for a travel OS with Linux?
Hello! The TL;DR is:...
Relativity (
Whoops (
R.O.A. #18: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. (
Sorry, this meme is a bit dated (
Uhhhhhhhhh…. Yes words
USS Monitor (
The USS Monitor was an ironclad warship used by the Union Navy during the US Civil War. It was a radical design that sat low on the waterline to present a very small target, and had a revolving turret rather than a broadside battery. The turret traversed with steam power, being about to make a full rotation in just under 23...
Checking the hypothesis (
Gentoo goes Binary (packages) (
To speed up working with slow hardware and for overall convenience, we’re now also offering binary packages for download and direct installation! For most architectures, this is limited to the core system and weekly updates - not so for amd64 and arm64 however. There we’ve got a stunning >20 GByte of packages on our mirrors,...
Self-hosted VPN that can be accessed via browser extension
Currently I set up Tailscale in my Synology NAS and I can access selfhosted services on my phone using the Android app. I want to use some services in my work PC too but I’m blocked from installing any software. So my question is, is there any solution that allows me to connect to selfhosted VPN via browser extension? (Just...
New England stone walls deserve a science of their own (
The abandoned fieldstone walls of New England are every bit as iconic to the region as lobster pots, town greens, sap buckets and fall foliage. They seem to be everywhere—a latticework of dry, lichen-crusted stone ridges separating a patchwork of otherwise moist soils....
Mayo, mustard or ketchup?
Choose wisely.
Cialis [Mr Lovenstein] (