Linux Memes - A community for sharing memes and humor around linux (
A community for posting memes and humor relating to linux...
A community for posting memes and humor relating to linux...
Kubuntu 23.10 connects to wifi, but only after all other startup programs have run....
As joking about German words works incredibly well in English, here’s the original:...
Like how has tutorials for nintendo consoles, there should be one for piracy
Hello everyone, I’m tired of having to go bavk to my search results 4 timesnbecause eveyrtime that I search for a news article every single website I get on won’t let mr read it without either subscribing/logging in, how can I hidethese websites from the results OR How do you guys look up news articles, an app or smt?...
From wikipedia: “Pirate Party is a label adopted by political parties around the world. Pirate parties support civil rights, direct democracy (including e-democracy) or alternatively participation in government, reform of copyright and patent laws to make them more flexible and open to encourage innovation and creativity, use...
alright so basically; i have been working on a list of private browsers for a while and wanted to show it to people that know the topic better than me...
Has anyone bought one of these?...