Don't kill me (
Out of these three lovely and amazing starches which would you bonk, who would you marry, and who would you off completely?
I liked going to there sub once in a while. Can someone with a Reddit account message the mods and see if they can get some content over here?
And what does it do? My air compressor cannot get above 60 PSI, it should get to 120 psi. I noticed this piece is where I am losing pressure. Can I replace it?...
Say you’re having major surgery, like installing some new ribs, and half way through the surgery, while your chest is wide open, the surgeon just leaves. Like he just decides to go home and leave you there....
Is “The Devaronian Version” a higher canon tier, than “Jedi Council: Acts of War”?
Seeing a big “politics” community in both and just confuses me as to which I should be subscribing to and I don’t really want to subscribe to both....
Are they just an issue with wefwef or trying to use an exploit
They build a 25 meter tall tower out of wooden sticks over the course of four days and then make it all collapse. I thought it was pretty cool.