Rule (
What does it mean?!
Non-Inverting LM358 Circuit Not Working (
Since I never understood op-amps from reading or practicing problems I wanted to build a circuit to probe around and use different resistor values to set the amplification....
Japan Still Has Ninjas — But They’re About to Go Extinct (
In 2012, Jinichi Kawakami emerged as the last surviving ninja grandmaster. Kawakami believed that the art of ninjutsu has no place in the modern age, as we have better weapons, the internet, and better medicines. Masaaki Hatsumi, another surviving ninja grandmaster, has not appointed an heir. Once Kawakami and Hatsumi pass away,...
Château de la Hunaudaye (Hunaudaye Castle), Brittany, France (…/chateau-de-la-hunaudaye-ple…...
Do you think there will be a future where your phone can automatically detect if you are trying to record police activity and disables your camera? What do you think the odds of this happening is?
I remember a while back Apple filed a patent that allows concerts to disable iPhones cameras if a certain signal is emitted from the stage. Apple never implemented this, but my pessemistic ass always try to think of worse case scenarios, like being used by government. Do you think this could occur in the future?...
no pooping at work (
the t stands for toilet… of course
Who is the third faction in the leaked Google memo about AI? (…/google-memo-moat-ai-leak-demis-has…...
Now that Lemmy is growing an important question needs to be answered: what should we use as our equivalent for "the narwhal bacons at midnight?"
From when it was still cool and niche to be a redditor and you needed to identify each other in public, you could use that sentence....
Anyone else starting to favor Flatpak over native packages?
I am currently using Linux Mint (after a long stint of using MX Linux) after learning it handles Nvidia graphics cards flawlessly, which I am grateful for. Whatever grief I have given Ubuntu in the past, I take it back because when they make something work, it is solid....
Low resolution dog (
Capitalism plunders everyone except the capitalist. (
What would Twitter look like with an absolute number of Likes in the system?
What would Twitter look like, if Elon flushed all likes, throws x Likes in the sytem and gave it a go? Every Like has to taken from the system and there are positive and negative points just like here or Reddit. If you don’t have Likes anymore you have to dislike something else you liked in the past. It would be entertaining...
An Artist in Lyon Known as “the Pavement Surgeon” Repairs the City’s Sidewalks using Colorful Mosaics (
What is something you think leftists are not ready to hear but need to hear it?
That’s leftists. Not Democrats. Anyone to the left of Democratic socialist. So not Bernie Sanders either.
Locked out of main account. 2 factor authentication not working.
Sorry if this isn’t the correct place to report this I will delete and move it to correct place if provided....
It would be nice if Lemmy had a "hide" option
My Reddit style of browsing is to read articles, and then clear them from my “queue”, hiding them by using the “hide” widget in my feed....
I'm going to be a rock star! (
What are the most appropriate responses to some very uncomfortable and awkward questions?
Share any question you’ve been asked which would make any other person feel awkward from answering it and an answer to responsibly deal with it without compromising yourself.
we will get there one day.... (
Help identifying a (proprietary?) PSU fan connector
I’m trying to replace the jet engine fan inside the PSU of a Nu 1.1 with a Noctua equivalent and am having trouble identifying the connector. The PSU is a Delta Electronics Model EDPS-250AB A, Part Number 400-5494-91....
titan times at r*ddit (
Today is the Day of the Flemish Community in Flanders, Belgium. Here's the flag of Flanders! (…/Day_of_the_Flemish_Community
On this day, July 11 1960, as a part of the Congo Crisis, Katanga declared independence from Congo-Léopoldville (DRC). This was their flag. (