Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...
I’m curious what people here listen to, and I’m also looking for new ones to check out. I’m personally a big fan of Linux Unplugged, MBMBaM, Lateral, and Twenty Thousand Hertz!...
apologies for coming back with another question so quick, but im at a loss im trying to get a plugin that lets you show live translations of what you are saying on stream. I found a few but…its not working to say the least....
Just went down the aliexpress rabbit hole again. Theres really everythinf for some of really niche things that i wouldnt ever buy, but some things really do look appealing. I wonder what do you guys use daily thats worth lets say under $20
What do you all think of the Red Hat drama a few months ago? I just learned about it and looked into it a bit. I’ve been using Fedora for a while now on my main system, but curious whether you think this will end up affecting it....
For many a year my needs of DMCA-ignoring VPS hosting have been met by various Eastern European hosters, who either ignored DMCA altogether or helpfully passed along all information without any further actions....
I’ve read on reddit that Google still provides unlimited photos backup if you own Pixel 5a and lower. On rooted Android you can fake that and get free backup storage, but who wants to give pictures to Google?! I was thinking if it’s possible or done by someone to create an environment on Docker by faking device info to...
I’m listening to blank check, and while they mention that 1) there’s a prophecy about bringing balance to the force which dovetails neatly into the answer of their main question 2) what is the phantom menace about?...
I found The Warez Collectors (TWC) on while looking for something else entirely, but I noticed a message that they’re quitting.
I have two drives, an ssd with windows and ubuntu installed in dual boot, and an hdd with some personal files....
I use Firefox as my daily driver but sometimes sites just work better on a chromium based browser. I had been using Brave but it seems like they keep adding on more bloat (crypto, VPN, AI) and I’m over it....
I found SiLENTGATE releases on xREL. Does anyone know who some other German scene groups are?
[For reference, I’m talking about Ash in Alpine Linux here, which is part of BusyBox.]...
Something overrides my quality definitions in radarr. Prowlarr? How can I prevent that?
I apologize if this is already answered somewhere but I’m curious what exactly a fitgirl repack is? I know it’s a pirated version of a game but like is it just an installer or something? And if you imported the game into steam for example can you be “banned” or VAT (idr the term)
So, i want to give a try to usenet world....
It’s an older PC, a P4 I use as a radio streamer mostly, so the install is x86....
Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....
do the right wing guys think it’s like a draco malfoy thing where they’re a good guy underneath?...
If there a way to filter other languages or something? It’s good they’re there, but seeing posts from communities that communicate entirely in a language I don’t read is basically useless and in tired of filtering eight communities per day only to make little to no difference.
I’ve noticed that I actually sleep better taking them in the morning and don’t feel that groggy at all. Is there a valueable effect that I’m missing from taking them in the mornings instead of in the evenings?
Today, I tried (again) to install lemmy on my linux server. I tried in the past but the documentation was so lacking that I only encountered errors after errors just following exactly every command....
Just saw a post of a novice user asking why are there so many package managers....
Loosely inspired by how much people seemed to enjoy a similar question I asked on Games about unappreciated titles. But answers don’t have to be media related (they still can be though).