Hello, could someone recommended a keyboard for android that is a bit smart in predictive typing? I used to like swiftkeybefore it was bought by microsoft. Not that swiftkey itself was much better but I was not so privy conscious at that time....
The native population had been wiped out by the malware of their own creation. Only the Linux users survived, but turned blind because they stare at their monitors and don’t go out much.
The Shinden was a plane first conceptualized by the Japanese military in 1943, and first flown on a test flight in 1945. Even before the test flight, the Japanese Navy had ordered production of the plane. However Japan’s surrender in 1945 stopped production, and in the end only two of the planes were produced. One was...
[Image transcription: A “Doctor’s hate him” style meme titled “The Founders HATE Him” about Goran’Agar. The side text reads “He beat his ketracel-white addiction in less than 35 days using this simple trick. FIND OUT HOW”]