New titan sub® from subway, for a titanic implosion of flavor. (
Me Deleting My Apollo App Today (
Supreme court really winning over the young voters... (
Good for us (
First public Alpha version of Outer Wilds?
On the Internet Archive you can get a few different alpha versions of the game Outer Wilds, and a demo version too. But there’s an older version that I can’t seem to find anywhere....
Weekend caption contest. Do your thing (
Enter your creation in a comment here....
Number goes up! (
Dielectric Induction producing Ground Currents (
I found this new video. Sounds interesting… (even though i can’t keep up)...
Non-stop music (
What drives you as a person? (
What makes you get up every morning and motivates you to push forward? For me at the moment it’s my pet rats. They’d die without me and I feel needed.
speaking of alternatives, what brand do people hate that actually has a decent alternative?
I know people prefer to complain instead of act, but what is something people don’t like but has an alternative?
I'm no climate scientist, but it looks to me like we might have skipped over oops. (
Reddit's last remaining 3rd party users, June 30th, 2023 (colorized) (
Whenever another exploitive, rich jerk gets their comeuppance (
Good boi Steve (
Instead of deleting your Reddit account, consider using chatgpt to make comments instead
And make sure not to click on any links. If enough people use chatgpt or other LLM's to generate comments that are wordy but clearly just filler, it'll give advertisers pause and tank the value of the site as training data. Reddit's response will probably be to start banning users it thinks are doing this but normal users will...
On this day, June 30 1964, the flag of Tanzania was adopted. Just as the country itself, the new flag merged the flags of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. (
I'm here for the scraps! (
memories (
These social events arw getting a little out of hand. (
Forgot to install CS:S :( (
Its not wrong. (
A penny for your thoughts (
Multimodal memes (
But it works!