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Don’t get RickRolled
Don’t get RickRolled
I just love this video! Not sure if it counts as a meme tho. 😅
News story here: thedeepdive.ca/gtaa-ceo-claims-significant-improv…
When threatened, large herds of deer run in circles. They hide their calves and females in the centre.
I haven’t grabbed the DLC yet but I am considering it. If you’ve purchased Teal Mask, do you think it’s worth it? I was waiting for reviews to come in for Disk before I bought it.
11 Trek videos with 2 bonus non-Trek Christmas songs
This 7-min video is worth the watch. You can see Mr. Rogers’ authenticity and the effect it has on the senator. The man was a national treasure.
Well, this was a whole lot better than I was expecting. Bonus pts for the creator sourcing his green screen reference vid....
Kenji did a great video walking around Uwajimaya explaining the different varieties of common Japanese ingredients and what he recommends getting. I’d say anyone looking to dip their toes or season experts of Japanese cooking will find some good info here.