Legal minds, what do empty brackets mean inside a quote? Like this: Can I "ask[ ] you?" (
I came across this usage in excerpts from the dissent by Justice Kagan to the US Supreme Court's decision [see image I will attempt to attach, that I snagged from here:...
Disappointmentamorphosis (
Universiteit van Amsterdam geeft Netflix belastingadvies vermomd als wetenschappelijk onderzoek ( Dutch
Zonder paywall hier te lezen
Notes on USB PD Triggers (And ZY12PDN Instructions) (
Blog not mine. I’m just sharing.
De Haringvlietbrug is dicht voor onderhoud: ‘Dit levert acht weken ellende op’ ( Dutch
Ik moet geregeld vanuit Bergen op Zoom naar Bleiswijk, helaas is dat pontje voor mij geen oplossing. Vorige week vrijdag was ik gewoon 2 uur onderweg voor een route die normaal een uur duurt. Ik hoop dat de Haringvliet snel weer beschikbaar is.
It lives! (
Robotics and AI (
A community about the latest advances in robotics and AI. Focused on the science and state-of-the-art....
It's big brain time. (
We all know at least one of these. (
Fidelity has cut Reddit valuation to $5.5B from $10B (
Reddit is running out of patience with protesting moderators (
Moderators who refuse to reopen their subreddits were given an ultimatum
Whew. (
Didn't even have my morning coffee poop yet. (
Job well done! (
Time to rest on my yannys.
That's a dapper hat, sir! (
Reddit suddenly caresTM for the blind (
Transparent PR moves are transparent.
It's interesting how much hate you can get for requesting someone to post at Lemmy too... (
"Lol no one is going to leave reddit."...