Animals with Jobs - a place for pictures and stories of animals hard at work (and hardly working) (
Animals with Jobs...
Animals with Jobs...
For those that dont want to look at the link:...
Just to let you know we also have “woahdude”. Thanks
Find your next diving spot. A list of subreddit alternatives on different platforms.
Account was from 2011 with almost 5000 comments....
Eindelijk! \o/ Nu nog van Keti Koti en Bevrijdingsdag nationale feestdagen maken.
There's a heap of devs working on bug fixes and improvements to the website. If you run into a bug or find something strange, it would be great if you can report it on codeberg....
Right now it's going to be for Lemmy, but the fediverse is still getting a fantastic app.
‘Een gloednieuw slavernijmonument in Vlissingen is vannacht beklad met rechts-extremistische leuzen. Het monument op de boulevard van de havenstad werd gisteren geplaatst door initiatiefneemster Angelique Duijndam. Bij Omroep Zeeland reageert zij geschokt op de bekladding.’
The protests worked, and so did moving/editing/deleting our old content. As one person complains,...
Zonder paywall hier te lezen
Minecraft's subreddit is losing its official support from Mojang, and Reddit's management is to blame
Come join us to get the conversation started!
I wrote a short goodbye post on Reddit as we enter the last hours of Apollo. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the support over the years, it’s truly been the journey and dream of a lifetime building this app and meeting so many people. 🥰💙...
That's it folks. RIF has stopped working....