Nederland daalt verder op kinderrechten-ranglijst, 'om je te schamen' (
Van de vierde plaats naar de twintigste plaats
Family Adopts Elderly Neighbor as ‘Honorary Grandpa’ for Holidays and Heartwarming Daily Moments (
Trump heard on CNN tape discussing secret documents (
An audio recording in which Donald Trump appears to acknowledge keeping a classified document after leaving the White House has been obtained by US media....
Scientists Are Recycling Wastewater to Reclaim Valuable Phosphorous to Put Back in Soil (
Man Jumps in During Freak Storm to Rescue 4 People From Sinking Florida Houseboat (
On The State of /r/PICS: Profanity, Offensive Content, and An Open Letter : r/pics (
Keep up the good work r/pics, this last one had me wondering if you were actually r/maliciouscompliance !
Rekeningrijden gaat mogelijk 7 à 8 cent per kilometer kosten, nog veel haken en ogen (
Het gevaar bestaat dat vooral lage inkomens benadeeld worden door het nieuwe systeem, waarschuwen onderzoekers.
Trying to help move a few communities off reddit. Confused about Kbin vs Lemmy and some of the migration tools. (
Hello All,...
Oil spill from Shell pipeline fouls farms and a river in a long-polluted part of Nigeria (
So, like a Bus, or Train? (
one year clean (
Veilig Verkeer Nederland: opvoeren e-bikes moet verboden worden (
Met opvoerkits kunnen elektrische fietsen snelheden van wel 45 kilometer per uur halen. Dat levert op de toch al drukke fietspaden in grote steden levensgevaarlijke situaties op, vindt VVN....
swayfx now in void repo ( 0.2_1 is now available to install through xbps. There is also xbps-src template of swayfx-0.3.
Honderden klimaatactivisten op terrein Tata Steel in Velsen-Noord (
Klimaatactivisten hebben ondanks een noodverordening ruim zes uur lang gedemonstreerd op het terrein van Tata Steel in Velsen-Noord. Onder luid gejuich braken zij rond 11.00 uur de hekken rondom Tata Steel open. Honderden activisten brachten vervolgens de middag door op het terrein....
Griekse premier Mitsotakis wint 2e ronde parlementsverkiezingen ( Dutch
De zittende Griekse premier Mitsotakis is de grote winnaar van de parlementsverkiezingen. Met bijna alle stemmen geteld heeft zijn centrumrechtse partij Nieuwe Democratie ruim 40 procent van de stemmen gekregen, veel meer dan zijn linkse tegenstanders van Syriza. Die partij haalde nog geen 18 procent van de stemmen. Daarmee is...
Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media (
This is an article by Cat Valente during the Twitter Migration, discussing the cycle of enschittification and the history of social media....
Is the efficiency of a DC DC converter Load independent? (
I'm currently looking into various DC DC converters and was confused that the Meanwell DDR-60 series only shows a typical rating but says nothing about the efficiency at idle. From AC/DC converters I'm used to have a curve that starts at idle and maybe 70% and goes to 100% load, having the peak at ninetee something....
Unofficial Subreddit Migration List (Lemmy, Kbin) (
A comprehensive mapping of old subreddits to new communities.
Life Pro-Tip (
So... Reddit..... (
Can I get a North American plug for this 36W DC charger? (
I got it with But since I bought it in EU, it has that charger. Is there no alternative other than buying a whole new charger?
Actual meme to take your mind off of pooping (
has anyone tried out lemmynade as a lemmy app? (
it seems pretty nice so far, though there isnt ios version right now...