Shit would have gone down differently on the biggest continent, just sayin'. (

Software Horror Game (

South African diamond miner being x-rayed at the end of his shift to prevent theft, 1954 (

Hi. It's me. I'm the homie, it's me (

I mean when the other option is Leeola Root *everything*... (

Fellow Lemmings, how to create Social Media that does not have mods? (
I am an anarchist, so the idea of the community doing all the work, creating content, and then mods basically ruling over them as a reward, just doesn’t sit right with me....

"Moon Bath" by Sarah's Scribbles (
Source: Tumblr - RSS

"Help With Stuff" by Poorly Drawn Lines (
Source: Website - RSS

Bed at 7 am really become cozy (

Be a cat (

An apt quote for Terry the king (
I find it a fitting quote(or verse? idk what the terminology is)....

Rock scientists' world tour (
Our model suggests that rainforests aren’t real and that most of the earth is heavily populated.

This potato is shaped like a heart (

Eruption Radio UK - Bill & Ed Mix 2023 (
Mix we did for Eruption Radio UK with Vinyl Junkie and Radiokillaz.

If Riker growing a beard made the show better, then keeping Data's would have been twice as good. (
More beard = More good. Right?

Coal (

I heard we are posting Kevin (
I assume that of course we are posting the iconic Lower Decks character who is Peanuthamper’s father.

oh no a kid somewhere is saying 'rizz' what will I possibly do (
I thought this meme was funny though...
This is becoming a dark timeline. (

Y'all can lose your mind over Kevin all you want. I'm just staring at this man... (

When you pop in for some memes and it's all some kid named Kevin (

Helmsmallard, set a new coarse. (

just a couple of lil guys (

Check out my AI generated movie poster of Custer's Revenge! (