Dual Actuator Drives (youtu.be)
This is really cool, I have never heard of dual actuator drives before.

This is really cool, I have never heard of dual actuator drives before.
There are a couple of heavy things running through my head I kinda want to get off my chest (nothing deeply personal though) and discuss with people. It’s more than just casual conversation, so I can’t post there....
I replaced my laptop’s battery after it was swollen. I found out that services like call2recycle do not take swollen batteries since they are potentially hazardous material. How can I get rid of that damned spicy pillow? In Dallas. Thanks....
Sports are a massive phenomena, to say the least, and esports definitely seems to want to try to become similar, but so far…I think it may be fair to say it’s struggling at that, outside of maybe some specific games and countries (…Is StarCraft still a thing in South Korea?)....
I inherited my grandfather’s WWII compass, and had it sitting around for a long time on a shelf. I recently got a Geiger counter, and find that it’s radioactive. Around 10 microsieverts/hr. Apparently they used radium paint to make them glow in the dark. I can’t just throw it away, but I don’t want it potentially causing...
To join from your own Lemmy instance: !nytspellingbee...
!fragrance If you are into cologne, perfume, etc., I started a Fragrance site. Check it out!
Say I wanted to post a tiktok, but rehost it somewhere else since many don’t have the app or don’t like the experience or whatever. What’s the preferred site(s) these days for sharing short form video?
“WAYNE — Brian Schwartz is the overlord of a grass-cutting empire that cannot be contained....