Rich people in positions of power literally do not care (
edit: Emphasis on “but do nothing”. I suggest civil disobedience.
Baldur's Gate 3 has ruined Starfield for me (
Bethesda's latest can't help but feel shallow by comparison.
Lords to debate mandating swift bricks in new homes in England (
Hollow bricks are ‘easy win’ to help several endangered species, say experts and Zac Goldsmith who is tabling amendment
Computer simulation of galactic collision with images from Hubble depicting the different stages (
This elevator reuses floor numbers (
Also in an order that confused me.
I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are (
India succeeds in reducing emissions rate by 33% over 14 years (
Posting my favorite memes (
From jail to practicing law, Minnesota attorney scores big win (
Judge gives opioid addict in his courtroom one more chance to get clean before sending her to prison. Years later, she returns to the judge’s courtroom clean, with an Ivy League law degree, to defend an innocent man who was falsely accused of murder. And she won.
This food bank is feeding striking actors and writers for free: ‘Several people broke down yesterday’ (
FDA approves RSV drug, state health experts say is a 'game changer', could reduce hospitalizations by 75% (
Viral Wheelchair Riders in China Highlight Concerns Over E-Bike and Scooter Crackdown (
Perschef VVD biedt excuses aan na afpakken microfoon journalist (
Premier Rutte dreigt met val van kabinet (
Keer op keer werd de minister gewaarschuwd, en nu heeft Nederland 450.000 nieuwe gokkers (
Zonder paywall hier
ULPT: If you do office work and want to get some time for yourself, head to and enter fullscreen to simulate an endless windows update (
Works for mobile too
Best kitchen utensil brands for long-term? (
I just wanted to know if anybody knows of specific kitchen utensil brands that're actually worth buying long-term. Or atleast which ones should be avoided....
NEW: Update & Clarification on Votes, Boosts, Favorites, and Reputation Points on kbin (
Ernest just posted some comments clarifying recent changes to Votes, Boosts, Favorites, and Reputation Points....
YSK: NOS op 3 heeft een YouTube kanaal met allerlei duidelijke explainers en achtergronden over het nieuws ( Dutch
NOS op 3 legt het nieuws aan je uit, in duidelijke taal, zodat je het nieuws beter kunt volgen. Doen we hier op YouTube, maar ook op Insta, TikTok, in de podcast Lang verhaal kort en op Twitch....
Minister Wiersma stapt op na klachten over wangedrag ( Dutch
Awkwardtheturtle banned - Rare Reddit Admin W (
'Bouw van nieuwe woningen loopt nog sneller terug dan verwacht' ( Dutch
Scherpere regels STAP-budget: geen cryptocursus of snoepreisje meer ( Dutch
Ik dacht dat het STAP per direct gestopt was vanwege bezuinigingen, maar blijkbaar gaan we er nog een halfjaar mee door. Op zich ben ik best voor strengere regels voor de STAP, maar ik vind het vreemd dat dat er nu nog komt met nog maar een paar maanden tot het einde