What I've done is take a large 2n3055 BJT NPN power transistor, and decap it (it is a large metal-can type). Then I carefully removed any coating from the exposed silicon (it typically has a dab of silicone potting compound on it)....
The BuyItForLife subreddit is trying to figure out what to do with the changes hitting Reddit and some really interesting points about possible attempts to advertise products that aren't really BIFL. Would be great if we could encourage them to come here. Edit to add link that won't let Reddit track you:...
I'm planning to add a momentary switch to a single loop DC circuit. Will this cause any amount of resistance in the circuit? I'm a complete noobie when it comes to electronics, any resource links or clarification is appreciated. I know the type of material/width of wire and a pot will cause resistance but will any component put...
I used to play around with 8051 variants and 8pin/16pin PICs back in 2010, whats the equivalent beginner chips now? I have been out of touch since around 2012, except for pi3/4.
Everyone keeps saying it’s the best media player, so I’m interested in getting one, but I haven’t had a google account for many years now and don’t want to create a new one just for this....
Do you think that if people were paid reasonably, like if they put in good work and actually got paid a base living wage to survive independently, then people and society would be massively reduced of it’s social and mental issues?...
I’m currently watching the progress of a 4tB rsync file transfer, and i’m curious why the speeds are less than the theoretical read/write maximum speeds of the drives involved with the transfer. I know there’s a lot that can effect transfer speeds, so I guess i’m not asking why my transfer itself isn’t going faster....