This seems like it could eventually lead to a lot of pigs suffering if there aren't stringent laws requiring their humane treatment (and considering how things are in the animal agriculture industry, it's a fair bet to say there won't be).
I think they would be treated better than agricultural pigs because you want the organs in the best health for transplant. If they mistreat the animals then the organs wouldn’t last as long. Although maybe they wouldn’t care since they can charge you for a second replacement later, if it’s done in the fucked up US healthcare system.
My bet is on the animal organ technology getting to market first. Although the experiments with printing human heart cells on top of the stripped cartilage from a pig’s heart looks promising. Best of both tech.
My brother and I saw Shaft at a local theatre a couple years back. Picked it at random knowing nothing and it was fantastic, and is one of my favorite endings to a movie ever. If you’ve never seen it I recommend giving it a try. May his legacy live on.
Milei is an idiot, but I can’t blame Argentinians (much) for voting for him. What other choices do they have that they haven’t tried several times already, each time with disastrous results.
It would be interesting to know how many of the votes he’ll get are actually votes “for him” as opposed to “anything but the established parties”.
That’s actually the best summary I’ve read for a long time.
Having said that, besides Milei being a right-wing misogynystic asshat, linking the peso to the dollar might actually do the country’s economy a lot of good in the long term. It has been tried before - sadly unsuccessfully because the rampant corruption in other places more than negated the positive effects, so Milei’s success there probably depends on a) whether he actually does what he’s promising to do, b) whether the new government actually will be less corrupt than the current and previous ones (though being any more corrupt than the Kirchner clan is going to be super hard), and c) whether the people will support the changes long enough once they realize that it means they too will get less subsidies and government hand-outs.