It's the word of the day every day they be doing war crimes.
Not only is it impossible to evacuate that many people in that short a time, but they're basically declaring that they're going to use their military to targer and kill civilians.
Which is a war crime.
"Hamas did it first" doesn't give them a pass here. If it's not ok for Hamas, it's not ok for the Israeli state. And inverting that, if it is ok for the Israeli state...
You are using a term you don’t fully understand to try to cudgle popular opinion without acknowledging your own hypocrisy of not acknowledging that this began with the slaughter of civilians to begin with. I’m sure countries like Iran love you for it,
You don’t know if it’s a short time. The time is not specified. If Hamas uses human shields, is that not a war crime?
Yes if Hamas uses human shields, and that is actually a war crime, which I have to believe it is but loopholes and exclusions abound in treaties, then that IS a war crime. Full stop.
Does that make it okay for others to commit war crimes?
If someone rapes or kills someone daughter, does that mean that the father gets a free pass to rape or murder the original rapist/murderer's daughter even though she had nothing to do with it other than by happenstance of being the rapist/murderer's daughter?
Just to reiterate, Hamas committing war crimes is Bad!
No country, not even the US, is not going to defend 8tself after being attacked. If human shields are used, you can try to take precautions but shit does happen when you’re being shot at.
Where do you think Hamas is at? This happens every time. Hamas uses human shields of Palestinians. israel bombs their ass in the houses they hang out is. Liberals get upset and scream war crime. Israeli then stops.
But, will that happen this time? By my reading the answer is no. Israel will make a full force invasion and much blood will be spilled on both sides.
Instead of carrying Hamas water, you should support, as I do, the US Secretary of State who knows what is coming and is trying to setup humanitarian corridors for the humanitarian crisis that is sure to come.
Hey, you're not allowed to talk about the decades of an apartheid state's treatment of these people or the systematic destruction of their infrastructure to be stolen by illegal settlers or the fact that Israel is directly responsible for creating Hamas; all the history for this conflict started like 6 months ago!
Whoa. I think the rules of war are fairly specific and technicalities and legalities are determined by the International Criminal Court. Not up to you to determine and you know it.
Whoa. I think I made very clear I don't give a fuck about what the legal fucking rules of War are.
Just because you make a rule about something doesn't make it right.
Germany had rules that made it okay to kill the Jews, does that make it right?
You can go ahead and find everywhere I went and said anything that could be misconstrued as giving a shit about the rules of War and understand I don't give a shit about them.
Go with crimes against humanity, crimes against basic decency, hell call it crimes against the Galactic Empire that supports the lizard people undermining the nationality of Panama.
I don't give a shit, feel free to hide behind the technicalities of whether something is a war crime or not.
Nowhere in my life do I feel the need to try to fucking defend that
Willy Pete has been used by the US is Iraq and other places. One of the big reasons it was that that in cities the trend is to cover roads with fabric. Of course, you can’t see movement on those roads , so willy Pete, white phosphorus, is used to clear the fabric. Don’t know why Russia uses it in Ukraine.
There is nothing we can do, except social pressure.
I wonder howmuch effect you think you have on a full blown war.
There is nothing that will be done. Until everyone has had their fill of violence.
I always forget that just because we did something bad means that other people should as well. I should have remembered we did the Trail of Tears and now Israel wants to do the Trail of Tears, it's genius!
Fuck we can get away with anything as long as someone else does it first that makes it all okay I'm glad you solved this problem.
No we just don't buy your excuses for genocide. You can try and justify it all you want and maybe that will make you feel better but at the end of the day it is what it is and they have been trying to remove the Palestinians for years by whatever force is necessary. Whether it's kicking them out of their homes and killing their children or now just going for a full-on fucking genocide.
You are trying to justify things that are unjustifiable
Ŵar crimes are very specific. You use the phase often enough and it’s impact dilutes. Ukraine knew this, so they got an international investigation going that ended up with the ICC indicating Putin. That’s the way it works. Sitting in your computer chair repeating war crimes not only does nothing but fogs discourse
I’m a realist. A humanist. And have a bit of knowledge in history. By my read, there is now a clock running on invasion. The US would step off at night.
Learned-helplessness produces both Nihilism & Sadism.
The Russian soldiers’ habit of making torture-chambers everywhere proves this.
Russian culture’s “fate regime” concept of relationship also proves this ( it proves the learned-helplessness aspect of it ).
( apparently that article explaining how in Russia, people entirely accept that fate, and nothing else, decides who marries who, is now … gone??
Neither DuckDuckGO nor google have it… )
Deterrent requires that both parties have aversion to destruction.
However, when 1 party has become nihilist, then they can assault the other as a means of baiting the other into sadistic-aggression, in order that all the neighbours commit to annihilating the one who was successfully baited into demonstrating genocidal sadism.
Israel won’t exist, in 10 years, no matter what, now.
NOTHING can make the Arab world accommodate its life, now.
The Christian Bible’s Matthew 24 had a prophecy that is about to become historical-fact, in the coming decade.
That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.
Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I’ll eat a hat.
And it was entirely preventable, had there been enough committment to having neutral authorities in West Bank ( UN ), and NO political-dishonesty OR nationalist bullying permitted from either side…
That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.
Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I’ll eat a hat.
The nice thing about prophecies is that they can never be proven to be false. Indeed, one would have to examine the future to prove it wrong. Which is either impossible or unrealistic.
Me too I can make a ton of prophecies and claim they will be eventually right. I will never be wrong.
Let’s see. Let me prophesize that:
The US will cease to exist
We will encounter aliens
See where you are living right now? Eventually, it will be filled with lava.
See where you are living right now? Eventually, it will be flooded with water.
A giant comet populated with nyan cats will crash on Earth
However, you can be sure that in 2033 I will come back in this thread and have you eat a hat. Marking the date and the link in my calendar. If lemmy is still alive, that is
Wtf is this? Israel won’t exist in 10 years? The Arab world won’t accommodate them?
They are on better terms with much of the Arab world than they have ever been. They are certainly on better terms than Hamas is. Hamas has Hezbollah and Iran (Persian not Arab). Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Morocco, Bahrain, and Sudan all have formal relations with Israel. Turkey had long had formal relations with Israel.
And for most of those that are adamantly against Israel aren’t exactly in the position to really start something that they know would escalate to US involvement. You think Iran is going to Nuke them or something? Because Israel is rather established.
What Hamas has done is horrendous and undefendable but there’s no military solution to removing extremism. They’ll just end up killing many more civilians than Hamas has murdered and cementing the next generation of extremists.
Israel will likely be able to crush Hamas as an organization but I doubt anything better will rise from its ashes. I’m certain it was Hamas’ goal to trigger such a reaction and with the escalation triggering a wider conflict.
They’ll just end up killing many more civilians than Hamas has murdered and cementing the next generation of extremists.
That’s basically Netanyahu’s entire MO. This attack has been a real boon for his brand of politics, especially given his recently waning support and legal troubles.
The motive was clear, and that was to delegitemise other more balanced political groups from Palestine. He basically propped up Hamas because he knew what their intentions were.
Honestly it’s sound more and more like Netanyahu let this happen, if not created the circumstances for it to happen, just to create a rally round the flag effect because his goose was cooked legally and electorally
Also, the whole "illegally annexing land, destroying people's homes, propping up Hamas to delegitimize Palestinian political groups, and attempting to slow walk a genocide against the previous people" thing probably didn't help Israel's situation either.
Those are just technical details. Misinformation about the IDF-Hamas war is so insane, you can’t even look at “reputable” mainstream media outlets without getting ahistorical analysis, zionism or antisemitism. We are witnessing ethnic cleansing and cruel war crimes here because all the parties who had the possibility to prevent this decided not to. Instead of focussing on the historical context and the steps necessary to deescalate this conflict, the media is focussing on the question of which acts of violence are justified and which aren’t.
There’s a lot of really engaging shot-form content on the platform; most people assume it’s just a firehose of what you see when you log in anonymously.
and people actually get their news from there
It’s a poor substitute for a healthy set of reading, but it’s also a way people put things happening “now” online. Not unlike choosing your broadcast or print media, the results can be really interesting or really misleading (or both; okay, often both)
It’s also, like other social media, easily and continuously manipulated to social engineer your worldview. Please try to avoid getting your news from social media, especially tik tok, but also Facebook, reddit, Instagram, Lemmy, Twitter or mastodon, etc.
ALL media is easily and continually manipulated to social engineer your world view. If you can name an outlet which is free of sociopolitical bias on sociopolitical topics I’m all ears. Every act of commentary is exposing a position, whether it be left, right, corporate, status quo, centrist, or any other area of ideology. Not recognizing that every source has a bias is dangerous.
While true, it’s a false equivalence. Getting news from multiple news sources is less controllable of you than getting your news from ‘multiple sources’ filtered through social media algorithms targeting you.
Further, you can often browse news in a private fashion. You can be fingerprinted, sure, but it’s easier to mitigate with multiple news sources than fingerprinting in social media, especially when you get to accounts on both. And lets be realistic, someone getting their news from tik tok is being tracked hard in ways they would have no way of predicting from multiple data sources and with phone information that they don’t realize they are providing.
Someone watching CNN or fox news or abcnews or what have you is not even close to being manipulated in the same way, even if they are being provided a biased data set.
Amazing how tiktok is not outright banned in most countries. When I first heard of the platform years ago I thought for sure it would be banned everywhere yet here we are.