I really like the idea of COSMIC apps and rust powered cross platform dev tools. But I think that the design language of COSMIC so far still needs some polish, so far it seems like there is so much white space, like they’re afraid to show more information on one screen. :(. Also not a fan of rounded corners. I hope this changes soon after it matures a bit.
I don’t think you can say that because we haven’t published our design language yet. Only a handful of design mockups have been published so far. The screenshots here are not design mockups but a work in progress implementation. Hence the “In-progress” part of the title.
Rounded corners are a user preference in the Appearance page in COSMIC Settings.
It is looking very promising. I was a bit skeptic at first, but everything is looking quite polished. I am wondering, Will the terminal have support for images, in similar way to kitty or iterm2? And also another thing, Will the file manager has a three pane view? (macos finder, or ranger (tui) style)
I know those two things are missing from gnome equivalents, and are quite handful for productivity, at least for me. Being more advance than gnome, but simpler than KDE would make COSMIC appealing for a lot of people I think.
Can somebody explain to me, why we need another terminal, file manager, text editor and such? Just to call them all “cosmic apps”? Also who the fuck is going to use any of this on windows or even macOS?? Why waste manpower on this cross-platform compatibility?
It’s been explained 100 times ad nauseam over the last two years. Go read comments from previous months’ updates if you want to catch up.
As for cross-platform compatibility, this should not come as a surprise because everything is written in Rust, and the libraries we use are already cross-platform by default in most instances. Supporting multiple platforms takes almost zero effort on our part. Especially when we could design something from the ground up that’s easy to adapt.
You shouldn’t be denied the stuff you actually use. But people definetly should not be allowed to hoard all the water in the world for themselves.
ASK YOURSELF how did they come to be in possesion of the land of the world?
at some point the entire planet was the commons. With WHAT right did they carve it up and claim it is theres for all eternety?
Just because you weren’t born at the right time you should be denied the use of the world as everybody else? first come first serve basis? how when it isnt yours to decide over.
the people who carved up the world and put their flags in it, and then put fences around anything so that we may never use it and are condemned to sit idly by have robbed all of us of our fair share.
the world is still belonging to the commons.
Nobody owns the air or the moon but only because the moon is out of reach and the air can’t be fenced off otherwise you would have to pay for tides and every breath you take. think about that.
Rethorical question: why didn’t property rights matter when the spanish went to south and middle america? why didn’t they matter when north america was lifted off of the original owners? but now if you take some guys land in the same exact area suddenly property rights matter?
so basically you can go around stealing off of everybody in the world but if somebody steals a lighter or pen off of you they go to jail? make it make sense…
Would you rather everyone can just walk into your house and take whatever they want? I for one am quite happy with the rules and morals we keep.
Those flags put up are often there to keep different cultures with different rules apart. It’s not as easy as erasing borders to have a free world. People are too selfish for that.
Sure, governments still steal all the time. Things are definitely not perfect, but that’s not related to someone stealing your lighter.
Possession is what you literally currently use, I am talking about property things that you do not currently use but still decide over. So the house you live in is in your possession (and also your property) but the 100 others you own are in your property not in your possession.
So nobody should ever be able to take the car you use even if yours is better than mine, or even if i dont have one. But nobody should be able to keep people from using anything they dont use themselves.
does that make sense?
regading selfishness - well currently they are, you are right, I would agree with you there
However just like a tiger in a small cage in a zoo does show unusual behaviour that deviates from its healthy behaviour in the wild. So do we humans under the conditions of lack of freedom show behaviour that is dysfunctional that would not be displayed would we live under freedom. Selfishness at least in that sense is a consequnce of our current conditions. However I do not believe human beings have to be angles before we can stop fencing of most of the world to most of the people.
Selfishness is part of the human condition. Tribes needed to fight over resources and mark their territory in order to keep the tribe alive. It’s in your instinct.
There have always been borders and territories, and there have always been fights and wars over it.
I don’t really see how your “if you don’t use it” policy applies here, and I also think the problem of this topic is easier than that.