AnneBonny, 1 year ago to news in China is perpetrating human rights abuses on a massive and intensive scale in the Uyghur Region, researcher says a program to ‘cleanse’ ethnic groups of their ‘extremist’ thoughts through re-education and forced labour “Arbeit macht frei”
a program to ‘cleanse’ ethnic groups of their ‘extremist’ thoughts through re-education and forced labour
“Arbeit macht frei”
jarfil, 1 year ago The Chinese wrote the book on that: ……/Nine_familial_exterminations
The Chinese wrote the book on that:
curiousaur, 1 year ago to news in China is perpetrating human rights abuses on a massive and intensive scale in the Uyghur Region, researcher says Do you think it’s a coincidence that the three major genocides occuring are all against Muslims?
Do you think it’s a coincidence that the three major genocides occuring are all against Muslims?