

Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

jarfil, (edited )

Pimps are just entrepreneurs offering management and protection services, for a sometimes slightly exorbitant price. OF is great when it stays online, but the moment a worker decides to diversify into IRL, they will need a pimp/boyfriend to kneecap the abusers… right?

PS: I knew an IRL sex worker once, she would only do dom work with sub clients, and still keep her “boyfriend” at the door just in case.

Why are redditors like this?

I made a post on r/civ (Civilization games subreddit) showing a really funky shaped randomly generated river I saw and most comments were fine but one guy was convinced that I went through the comparatively monumental effort of opening the map editor and changing the river for karma, as opposed to just starting the game and...


If I saw someone on a Beehaw community acting that way, I call it out.

That’s one of the reasons I support Beehaw potentially leaving Lemmy to do its own thing.

I’d rather Beehaw didn’t leave Lemmy, and instead “calling that kind of behavior out” got more popular on Lemmy instances… at least on the ones federated with Beehaw. But we’ll see.


I’ve posted some mean answers in the past, so I may share some insights:

  • Someone had a bad day. Maybe a client berated them, maybe they had a falling out with a family member, maybe they stepped into a dog poop on a rainy day and their umbrella got blown out before a passerby burned their hand with a lit cigarette (too specific? yeah, well…)
  • Someone decided to self-medicate (booze and weed seem to be popular choices)
  • Someone forgot to take their meds (high blood pressure can do it, the flu will do it, insomnia or psych meds will do it more)
  • Someone got a series of the aforementioned.

Generally: people post mean answers when their sense of empathy is either inexistent, or beaten into oblivion.

Once there are enough people in a place, the chance of encountering at least one person in one of those situations, quickly grows to 100%. If the place doesn’t actively discourage that kind of behavior because “engagement”… then you get the likes of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and similar.


“Sir, they’re asking for an excuse, are we still doing those?”

“Tell them they were terrorists”

“It says here the car was full of journalists”

“Journalists, terrorists… whatever. Tell them that”



Seems like… the side fell off?

jarfil, (edited )

Right, and just to make sure, where do I apply to get on the chopping block with the golden parachute? I want to be chopped parachuted so hard, I’ll cheat and swindle all you want (wait… hope that saying this publicly didn’t disqualify me?).

jarfil, (edited )

@Hirom @Overzeetop

The plane was still climbing, this happened at an altitude of 16000ft when the cruise altitude for that flight is 30000ft:

This flight: www.flightaware.com/live/flight/…/tracklog


Previous flight: www.flightaware.com/live/flight/…/tracklog


They usually keep the “seat belts” light on during ascent and descent because it’s when air pressures are changing (or you might run into a tree, or another airplane), while once at cruise altitude it is reasonably safe to take the seat belt off.

jarfil, (edited )

It’s propaganda, but maybe not for the reason you think.

Zionism actually wants Jews from all over the world to flee to Israel (and populate the land, and get more “settlers”, and more army reservists “in training”, and so on).


Not sure if it’s still holding true, but from my travels around France a couple decades ago, I got the distinct impression that there were like “two Frances”: Paris, and the rest.

From all the news about civil unrest and stuff, it would seem like Paris has got even more of a separate vibe in that time.

jarfil, (edited )

off topic[Not a criticism of your point, but I think you did get trolled into a gish gallop. First take a breath… then use bullet points, don’t cut your own argument to pieces with interspersed links, keep the references as references to strengthen the argument, try not to make it too personal]

jarfil, (edited )

I don’t get the claim about it being “impossible” to shoot it down while hypersonic, either.

So maybe it’s high enough that you don’t have any interceptor missile capable of reaching that altitude… but if you had one, that hypersonic ball of plasma is not “hyperluminic”, all that radio noise is going to light up on any radar like a beacon. Sounds like it should be easy to predict its trajectory, particularly knowing that it can’t maneuver much at hypersonic speeds, so it should be even easier to plot an intercept course.

It may by impossible to shoot it down from behind, or from a plane right underneath that doesn’t have hypersonic interceptor missiles, but from any position in front of the enemy missile… you could float a balloon onto its path, and hit it.

Also, there is lasers. They may not be great as an offensive weapon, or too easy to mount onto a plane, and need several seconds to burn an incoming missile to a crisp… but they do work at the speed of light, can’t beat that.


what happens if snatch a drone carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars?


If the owner finds you… like if they have a camera recording and the GPS location… you might get some free bullets on top of it.

Spain has some relatively strict gun control. That doesn’t mean someone controlling the smuggling of millions of € in drugs, can’t pay a few grand for some of his “acquaintances” to fly all the way over, get his property back “by whatever means”, and fly back the next day.


I think the worry is less about growth, and more about dying out. Too much external input can drown out the local conversation, but also too little external input can put too much pressure on the members to generate content, leading to burnout and also killing conversations.

It’s a precarious balance between “so much that it gets out of control” and “so little that there is nothing left out”.


“You not believe Moscow Times? You free to go check, they have room for you…” /s

But seriously, I don’t even fully believe that Prigozhin is dead. The last trustworthy news I’ve heard from Russia, is from that one guy in Moscow complaining about how “rude” it is for Ukraine to launch drone attacks at night.

Iran, child bride and year-long victim of domestic violence Samira Sabzian who killed her 'husband' has been been executed in Ghezelhesar Prison (www.iranhr.net)

Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye....


This is horrible and should be documented… but let’s be realistic: nobody will be held accountable as long as Iran has Oil and Nukes… and by the time it runs out of those, the people responsible will likely be long dead.

All we can do is hope for Cold Fusion to become a reality, so all the Oil based dictatorships would collapse.


“I didn’t want to win just one fight, but also all future fights” - Ender the Genocide

(great books, decent movie, too bad some are using it as a manual)


Meh… check out Cellini, Wagner, Dalí, Hubbard… as artists go, Card is just “meh”.

jarfil, (edited )

Peas with pasta and mustard… sound bad. But I’ve done worse, so not going to judge.


Well, “Peas, frozen 3 eggs, scrambled Cheddar” would be weird… I hope OP meant “Peas, frozen; 3 eggs, scrambled; Cheddar”

Pasta with scrambled eggs, cheese, and sugar… is how I gained a lot of weight back in the day. Pasta has eggs and carbohydrates in it already, so it’s kind of like “Pasta+ with cheese”.


Is it wrong if I read that with an Oxford comma?..

“I am currently munching on a foot, long sub, and beginning the latest Native map update”


Hm, could you explain how is that supposed to work in more detail? I still see the cross post link as taking me to the other instance; furthermore, even the share link and “open in browser” in Liftoff are taking me out of the instance 🤔

jarfil, (edited )

Yearly inflation for December 2023 has been 160% (stuff that used to cost 100, now costs 260)

A 50% devaluation, is the same as a 100% inflation: stuff that used to cost 100, now costs 200.

Milei has promised a reduction in inflation for the next year, from the 160% to just 60% (stuff that used to cost 100, plus through the 50% devaluation now costs 200, will end up costing just another 60% more, or 320 “160”).

Meaning: instead of having to anounce a 220% inflation for 2024, he’s split it into “50% devaluation, plus 60% inflation”.

…see? He promised to reduce inflation, and he did! 🎉🤡 /s

On TikTok, the war in Gaza is a game (english.elpais.com)

One of the TikTok trends is to show the process of loading a projectile into a tank and firing it. Another is to put trance music to a video, along with the words “2-3, sha-ger.” This is the order that a military drone operator is given to drop a bomb, with the syllables separated so that the message is clear. The trend...

jarfil, (edited )

TikTok’s algorithms […]

I’m afraid you have been heavily misled by TikTok, and/or are a new user.

I suggest you check either or both of these to better understand what’s going on:

TikTok is a master example of enshittification, which consists in:

  1. Offer users a good experience to hook them up
  2. Introduce advertisements to hook up advertisers
  3. Have hooked up advertisers bid against each other for a place in a users feed
  4. Increase user engagement by showing them both what they like and the opposite
  5. Tease users with a chance to earn money (taking just a 50% cut), so they get to compete against the advertisers, and each other, for a place in other users feeds

The discoverability on TikTok is abysmally bad, all you will ever find is either paid content, or content made by users trying to outdo each other in a race to attract/outrage (aka: increase your engagement).

Only thing you can easily discover on TikTok, is the most polarizing content possible, there is about exactly zero chance to get a realistic view into anything through TikTok; not even by averaging the extremes, which are custom tailored to your personal love/hate triggers.


You may not want to “check for weapons” a suicide bomber who’s just waiting for you to come close to turn you both into tiny chunks of meat.

What you want, is to threaten them with a weapon from a distance, have them take off any clothes that could contain explosives (that includes socks and briefs), and throw them far away from you. They could still hide some C4 up their ass, but that’s a risk you might have to take.

The correct thing would be to subsequently provide them with pre-checked clothes, like an orange jumpsuit… so if they didn’t, that’s where we may agree it starts being abusive (although unfortunately in line with what many countries routinely do to their prisoners).

jarfil, (edited )

Where’s their line?

Based on WW2:

  • Cruelty and atrocity: nice…
  • Concentration camps: nothing to see here, everyone has them
  • Systematic genocide: who hasn’t done some genociding at one point or another?
  • Overt industrialized systematic genocide: …only if they attack you first.

Luckily we now have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights… which everyone is ignoring. Oh well, we tried.

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