Absolutely agree. My latest adopted dog came from being abandoned in an empty building and then transported for about 12 hours to my state. She was terrified of people (but loved dogs!) and spent 3 days under our bed. We put a dog bed, food and water there, and she had a nice “cave.” We would sit at a distance and talk to her, then eventually she would sniff our hand, etc. After 3 days, she felt safe and started coming out. She still dislikes strangers months later, but is the sweetest dog to us.
That is nice and could contribute in certain locations. Manually de-seaweeding significant reef areas would require more than some volunteers though. Maybe the govs could pay people to do it professionally? It will probably run much cheaper to maintain natural reefs than dealing with the damages from storms.
I had some dumb thought about the beavers wanting to get in on some of that surf-board stealing action that the otters are into, leading to an adorable rivalry. It could make a good cartoon.
In his book "Humankind," Rutger Bregman has a lot of examples of humans doing this sort of spontaneous selfless assistance to help someone in need. He makes the point that there's no need for organization, and people will instantly volunteer and even risk their own lives. Because of this innate feature he has a much more rosey opinion of humanity which the rest of the book reinforces.
If you want an uplifting look at humanity I highly recommend it, especially if you've read "Sapiens" because it's depressing and Yuval Noah Harari has a blurb explaining how Humankind is better.
Some complex things need organization, like raising a barn, but the underlying message that in general people will help each other out when in need is absolutely true.
Unfortunately it only takes a few bad actors to discourage our innate desire to help others.
No, it isn’t. They will just refuse. They will die and their vegan friends will call them heroes or martyrs or both, and everyone else will still be alive with their porcine kidneys, laughing and drinking and eating and making love and not thinking about the vegans that died because they didn’t want porcine kidneys.
Milk companies used to pick up and drop off refillable glass milk bottles. We could reduce plastic use if soda companies did something similar with vending machines.
It would be really cool if there were national container size standards like mason jar sizes. Maybe grocery stores or recycling centers could “buy back” empty jars to be cleaned and reused. We’ve got to do something because we’ve collectively been sitting on our hands for the last 40+ years that plastic waste has been a known issue.
This is pretty much a summary of their press release. I don’t think regurgitating companies patting themselves on the back should count as uplifting news, especially when it piggybacks on the bottle deposit system that’s already been there since the 70s.
There is no electric powered aircraft before this? I find that hard to believe. Propellers with electric engines? I should probably read and look up stuff, but I’m hoping someone will point out how I’m wrong to think that, so I don’t have to. Maybe I should have been a bit more incredulous.
What is this bullshit title? Worlds first electric aircraft my ass!