This is pretty incredible, I really hope the scaffolding ends up being biocompatible in humans and blood flow is able to be sustained to the new cells. Exciting news, but still a long ways to go for full human trials.
0.1°C per decade is not fast enough an adaptation. If rate of world heating increase is faster than the corals can adapt, it’s all the same frogs in boiling water story.
From the article, which I’m sure you read in its entirety:
State oil company Petroecuador will have to dismantle its drilling operations in the area in the coming months, something which they’ve stated they will comply with as soon as the vote is officially counted and ratified.
This is unlikely to be the end of this story though.
Even better, they approved even more funding for rail. As much as I like to see things transitioning to electricity, batteries are not the future - at least in their current state.
The cabinet also approved seven railway tracking projects worth 3.25 million lakh rupees to boost connectivity and mobility across nine states.
Sounds good! But in my mind this falls more into “potentially good news”, not only when or how this will go into production, but also how big pharma will handle this 🥲